Year 3: Blog items

Year 3 Science, by Mrs Harris

Date: 13th Oct 2024 @ 8:06pm

Year 3VM finished celebrating Space Week by creating their own space art using the most beautiful pastel colours. Well done Year 3, your space art is out of this world!

Year 3 News, by Mrs Harris

Date: 9th Oct 2024 @ 5:12pm

Jessica was proud to share her achievements in her performing arts group. She told us all about her performance as an Umpa Lumpa 👏👏👏👏👏

Y3 Cave Art, by Mrs Harris

Date: 8th Oct 2024 @ 9:21pm

Year 3 had so much fun imagining they were in a cave, discovering some unusual art designs on the ceiling of their cave. They then re-created their own cave art by using pastels. Well done Year 3!


Y3 Dancing News, by Mrs Harris

Date: 8th Oct 2024 @ 9:00pm

Y3 Dancing News!! 

Wow, what amazing news we've had today!

Aleah attended a dance competition in Glasgow over the weekend, came runner up in slowdance, and then she danced for the first time in under 8 champs................and she only went and won!!!

What an incredible achievement for Aleah! She has clearly shown incredible confidence and determination! Aleah loved sharing her news with the class and we all celebrated with her as we watched a video of her winning moment! Well done Aleah!

Y3 RE, by Mrs Harris

Date: 8th Oct 2024 @ 8:52pm

Today in our RE lesson we reflected on the gifts God has given to us. The children then thought about the special gifts their friends have. They picked a name from the pot and wrote words to show the gifts that person has from God. We then shared these together as a class and celebrated how special we are

Year 3 Science, by Mrs Harris

Date: 7th Oct 2024 @ 7:40pm

Today Year 3 looked at what our earth looks like from the International Space Station. They then imagined they were looking out of the ISS window and drew their visions!

The Holy Rosary - Y3K, by Mrs Harris

Date: 1st Oct 2024 @ 12:25pm

October marks the month of the Holy Rosary. The children are invited to pray a decade of the Rosary each day. Year 3RK enjoyed creating their own rosary crafts to use during prayer. 

Y3 Cave Art, by Mrs Harris

Date: 25th Sep 2024 @ 9:14pm

Year 3 have been looking at a range of cave art designs from the Stone Age. They have been wondering why it was so important for people in the Stone Age to use cave art, why people from the Stone Age produce drawings on caves and how they would have created them.
The children then thought about things they feel are important to them and expressed these on their own rocks. Take a look, they are fantastic!

Summer Reading Challenge, by Mrs Harris

Date: 25th Sep 2024 @ 8:49pm

A big well done to Holden for completing the summer reading challenge! 🏅📚

Home made lighthouse, by Mrs Harris

Date: 22nd Jul 2024 @ 11:00pm

Hayley made a wonderful lighthouse at home, she was so excited to show her friends 🧡 

Mini Vinnies Pledges, by Mrs Harris

Date: 5th Jul 2024 @ 10:22pm

Mini Vinnies meet every Thursday. We are working together to help others. 

Last Thursday, we made some pledges:

• We pledge to be kind to other

• To help others in need in any way we can

• To be good friends and to care for God's world

Mini Vinnies Donation, by Mrs Harris

Date: 5th Jul 2024 @ 10:19pm

Good news alert!! 

Luna and Willow decided (themselves!!!) to design, make and sell bracelets to their family and friends 🧡 

This wonderfully kind initiative was to raise funds for Mini Vinnies 🙌 

They raised an astounding £42.44 from their sale, which is absolutely fantastic!!!! Mini Vinnies will use this generous donation to purchase toiletry bags for the homeless 

Thank you Luna and Willow ❤️❤️❤️

Year 3K Geography, by Mrs Harris

Date: 30th Jun 2024 @ 8:49pm

'Fieldwork Fortnight'! Year 3K enjoyed taking part and spending their Geography lesson outside of the classroom finding things out for themselves. Our goal was to find the best location for a new 'Sustainable Garden' within our school grounds. We thought about what a sustainable garden could include and then followed an aerial map of our school to make observations and collect data. 

Our research questions were 

1. Is the location big enough?

2. Is it peaceful and quiet?

3. Will it attract wildlife?

4. Can it be accessed easily by all?

5. Would there be any other problems with this location?


After deciding on the most suitable location, the children then began to design their own 'sustainable garden'. 

The children really impressed Miss Kealey with their careful and thoughtful planning. Well done Year 3K.

Year 3K Science, by Mrs Harris

Date: 30th Jun 2024 @ 7:22pm

Year 3K enjoyed exploring shadows recently in our Science lesson. We worked scientifically by looking for patterns in what happens to shadows when the light source moves and the distance between the light source and object increases/descreases. Great work Year 3K 💪🏻

Friendship Creative Writing by Amelia, by Mrs Harris

Date: 30th Jun 2024 @ 4:39pm

Amelia has been getting her creative writing hat on at home and written a fantastic story all about friendship! Well done Amelia

Year 3 Football Tournament, by Mrs Harris

Date: 30th Jun 2024 @ 4:36pm

Presenting.......Year 3 Football Tournament Winners!!! ⚽️ 🏅👏

Year 3 Science, by Mrs Harris

Date: 30th Jun 2024 @ 4:30pm

Year 3 have had fun investigating shadows recently. Our Enquiry Question was ‘What do you Notice about Shadows?’

We thought about what equipment we would need, how we were going to conduct our experiment and what our predictions would be. 

We then conducted our our experiments then compared our results to our predictions.

Holy Communion 2024, by Mrs Harris

Date: 18th Jun 2024 @ 10:38pm

What a memorable First Holy Communion our wonderful children had on Saturday

Supported by so many family members and friends ❤️ It was a truly special day. Many thanks to Father Michael and all of our families for supporting our children on their faith journey

Fantastic Honework - Year 3, by Mrs Harris

Date: 18th Jun 2024 @ 10:09pm

Hayley has been busy creating some wonderful paper dragons this weekend. They are fantastic Hayley well done!

Sacramental Preparation 2024, by Mrs Harris

Date: 26th May 2024 @ 10:45am

Reminder of Dates for Sacramental Preparation 2024


● Holy Communion meeting 1 on 22 May @ 6pm in school


● Holy Communion meeting 2 on 5 June @ 6pm in school


● Holy Communion meeting 3 on 12 June @ 6pm in school


● Sacrament of First Holy Communion on 15 June @ 10.30am in Church.

Year 3 - Trip to Eureka and Vale Park, by Miss Kealey

Date: 8th May 2024 @ 7:50pm

Year 3 have had a fun filled day today!

We visited ‘Eureka Science + Discovery’ centre, where the children enjoyed exploring the bodies gallery, nature gallery and homes gallery. There were so many different activities for the children to join in with! We also took part in the ‘From the Chew to the Poo’ science show where the children were able to learn about how the digestive system works and exactly what happens to food once we’ve eaten it. It was a mixture of fun, interesting and disgusting!!!

We ended our day with a short but sweet visit to Vale Park to enjoy a well-earned ice-cream in the sun.

It was lovely to spend time together as a year group. A big thank you to our parent helpers for supporting the trip today. The children (and teachers!) appreciated it very much!

Year 3 Team x

Year 3 - Learning about the Resurrection, by Mrs Harris

Date: 2nd May 2024 @ 9:41pm

Year 3 

We’ve recently been learning about the resurrection and what the event means to us in our daily lives.


The children then came together to create a cross to represent the hope that Jesus’ resurrection gives us.


The children are very happy with their creation and they are now proudly displayed in our classroms.

Fabulous crocheting!, by Mrs Harris

Date: 25th Apr 2024 @ 5:00pm

Penny enjoyed showing the class a scarf she has crocheted herself! How fabulous!

Earth Day Year 3*, by Mrs Harris

Date: 22nd Apr 2024 @ 11:31pm

Earth Day 2024

Today Year 3K spent some time thinking about how we can protect our earth. We explored the natural resources we get from the earth and how we can play our part in sustaining the environment. The children had a very thoughtful discussion and came up with many helpful ideas!

The children shared their ideas by making an ‘Earth Day foldout’ where they wrote/drew 4 things they can do to help protect our planet. 👏🏻🌍🌺🌳🌲🪴🩷

Year 3M World Earth Day 🌏, by Mrs Harris

Date: 22nd Apr 2024 @ 10:58pm

Year 3M have been learning about how we can invest in our planet. This is the idea that everyone should try to work together to help to look after our planet earth.


We thought about our earth's...

* Energy

* Soil

* Water



...and what we can do to help.


We then created a foldout titled 'Caring for our Planet'. Take a look at our wonderful creations and pass on the messages of how to look after our earth.

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