Art and Design and Design technology
At Our Lady and St Edward’s we believe that Art & Design enables pupils to explore, understand, share, reflect and represent their physical and human environment. The curriculum is planned and carefully sequenced to inspire, engage and challenge pupils, equipping them with the knowledge, skills and expertise to experiment, design, invent and create their own works of art. As pupils progress, they will be able to think critically and develop a more rigorous understanding of art and design. Pupils should know how Art & Design both reflects and shapes our present and history, contributing to culture, creativity, imagination, creativity and wealth of our nation and our wider world.
We are dedicated to improving standards and creating an environment which nurtures and develops each pupils' artistic and creative flare, by providing pupils with visual, tactile and sensory experiences to stimulate their imagination. Pupils are encouraged to evaluate their own designs and works of art and that of other artists, helping them to understand the value and develop an appreciation for art within society. Knowledge, skills and understanding in art develop as pupils use them in practical activities and explore various ideas and traditions.
Art & Design enables pupils to express what they see, feel and think through the use of different media, colours and textures. It is essential to the appreciation of the natural environment in which we live and the wider world. This is reflected in school where understanding, skills, knowledge and appreciation of aesthetics are given a high priority within our broad and balanced curriculum. Pupils explore ideas and meanings through the work of artists, crafts people, sculptors and designers.
- Artistic creation can provide fulfilment throughout life.
- Artistic observation can heighten perceptions.
- Art & Design contribute to cultural understanding
- Pupils use technical vocabulary accurately and they are expected to know, apply and understand the content, processes and skills specified within Art & Design.
- Pupils are more alert, inquisitive and use their enquiry skills to appreciate the world around them, and their impact through Art & Design on the world.
- Pupils are able and willing to confidently critique their own work and the work of others.
- Pupils are more inquisitive, resilient and persevere when encountering challenges and completing tasks by continually evaluating and improving their work.
- Pupils can speak confidently about their Art & Design work, knowledge and skills.