F1 - Preschool 2024 - 2025

Mrs Fitzmaurice

Teaching Assistant

Mrs Jones

Teaching Assistant
F1 2s Lead

Miss Massie

Teaching Assistant
F1 2 / 3s Lead

Miss Fisher

F1 Teacher

Welcome to Foundation 1 - 2 and 3 year old classes.

Early Years Lead: Mrs McLaren

2 year old room.

Room Lead:   Mrs Jones

Key workers: Mrs Pilecka

                      Mrs Barron


2-3 year old room.

  Room Lead: Miss Massie

   Key workers: Miss Jenkins


The Topics we learn about throughout the year are:

Autumn 1                                                Autumn 2

Myself                                                     Jungle

My Family                                               Sealife

My Body                                                  Farm

Celebration days: Halloween, Bonfire night, Remebrance Day, Diwali

Spring 1                                                 Spring 2

Shapes I can see                                   Rainbows

Making patterns                                     Colour mixining

Puzzles                                                  Colour in nature

Celebration days: Chinese new year, Easter, Mothers day, World Book Day, St George's day

Summer 1                                              Summer 2

Seasons                                                 Textures

The Garden                                            Senses (taste, smell, touch, hearing)

Bugs and Insects                                   Summer Holidays

Celebration days:Queen's Platinum Jubilee, Queen's Birthday

Within the 2 year old room and the 2/3 year old room we ensure that children are given the freedom to explore different areas whilst being given excting and fun activities that engage and develop their Prime areas of Communication and Language, Personal, Social and Emotional Develoment and Phyiscal Development. 

Staff within the 2 year old room and the 2/3 year old room ensure that children are given high quality experiences in a very interactive way. Children have access to our outdoor area. Children are also able to visit different local places by using our outdoor bus, a six seater pram with shelter that allows children to visit places around our locality. 


3 year old room

Within our 3 year old room we have 4 members of staff.

Class teacher: Miss Fisher

TA: Mrs Campion 

      Mrs Fitzmaurice

Within our 3 year old room we ensure that children are developing their Communication and Language, Personal Social and Emotional Development and Physical Development.

We ensure that children are given opportunities for high quality learning both indoors and outdoors.

We send story book bags home each week to every child. These books are chosen weekly by the children to ensure interest and engagement.

Our class homework is on the website and is developed to follow our topics throughout the year.

We are also working on a high  quality communication and language programme that will support all children throughout the year. This is in association with Dr Helen Bibby and Cradle to Career.

The Topics we learn and the texts we use throughout the year:

Autumn 1                                                                            Autumn 2

Nursery rhymes                                                                  Night and Day/Space

Range of nursery rhymes                                                   'Whatever next' Jill Murphy

All about me                                                                        Weather/Water

'Goat Goes to Playgroup' Julia Donaldson                        'Splosh' Mick Inkpen

My Family and My Home                                                    Colour and Light

'Three Little Pigs/Goldilocks' Tiger Tales                            'The world made a rainbow' Michelle Robinson

Celebration days: Halloween, Bonfire night, Remebrance Day, Diwali

Spring 1                                                                        Spring 2

My amazing Body                                                         Animals

'Funny bones' Janet and Allan Ahlberg                       'ABC Zoo' Rod Campbell

Five senses                                                                 At the seaside

'Brown Bear,Brown Bear what do you see?'                'Sharing a Shell' Julia Donaldson

Bill Martin Jnr

Growing                                                                       Minibeasts

'The Very Hungry Caterpillar/Jasper's Beanstalk'         'Doug the bug who went boing' Sue Hendra

Eric Carl/Nick Butterworth

Celebration days: Chinese new year, Easter, Mothers day, World Book Day, St George's day

Summer 1                                                                        Summer 2

The Circus                                                                      Superheroes

'Fearless Mirabelle and Meg' Katie Haworth                  'Supertato' Sue Hendra

Fairy tales                                                                        People who help us  

'Jack and the Beanstalk'  Mara Alperin                            'Real Superheroes' Julia Seal

Pirates                                                                              Transport/Travelling

'10 little pirates'  Mike Brownlow                                       'Brilliant boats' Tony Mitton

Celebration days:Queen's Platinum Jubilee, Queen's Birthday

Children will be offered a range of interventions throughout the school day, these may be Early Language project, created for us by Dr Helen Bibby, Sounds listening programme, WELLCOMM and small groups.  If children have individual plans, their targets will be worked on across these intervetions and others tailored towards their needs.

F1 - Preschool: News items

Art Workshop, by Mrs Harris

F1 - Preschool: Blog items

F1 - Preschool: Calendar items

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