Lenten Trail

Date: 8th Mar 2024 @ 12:36am

All classes have visited Church over the last couple of weeks to follow the Lenten Trail. It was Year 1's turn yesterday. We walked around four stations, all supporting the children to understand the meaning of Lent and how we can pray, fast and give on the run up to Easter. The children learned how Jesus resisted temptation in the desert and how we should try to give up something for Lent to remember how Jesus gave his life for us on Earth. The children talked about how they give to charity- helping others less fortunate than ourselves. They suggested that giving away their own toys and old clothes would help charities raise money for others. They also had lots of suggestions for helping the homeless. Lots of children decided that they would like to give up sweets and treats for Lent, whilst others decided that they would try to be more kind and helpful to their families and others. We're really proud of how they are becoming great followers of Jesus and learning to follow the right path this Lent. 

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